Saturday, October 3, 2009

And The Owner of the House Is

There was a man who won a three-storey house and a lot. He organized a party and invited only one person and that is Jesus. When Jesus arrived, the man welcomed Him and they ate.

The man led Jesus to the third-storey of his house and he said, “Jesus, this part of the house is all yours!” Jesus replied, “Are you sure?” “Yea! I’m so sure,” the man bragged. “Okay, thank you,” Jesus again replied. Then the doorbell rang.

“I thought I’m your only visitor?” Jesus asked. The man wondered and said, “Yes, you are my only visitor, really. But let me just get it.” Then the person made his way to the first-storey.

As soon as he opened the gate, he saw that his next visitor was Satan and he was shocked. Satan punched and kicked him and when the man has the opportunity to kick Satan out of his house, he closed the gate and went up the house to Jesus.

“Jesus!” the man said while catching up his breath. “Why haven’t you told me that Satan was the one who waited for me at the door?” he asked.

Jesus answered, “Well, you said that this part of the house is mine. If I’ll go downstairs to the second-storey, that is trespassing and if I’ll be going down again to help you with Satan, then that is double trespassing.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Jesus. I stand corrected. Then I’m gonna give you my first floor rather,” the man said.

Later on, when Jesus was in the first-storey of his house, they found out that Satan owns a helicopter.

-Jesus gave us His 100% when He died on the cross to save us from our sins, then why can’t we? If we also give up our 100% to Jesus, He will take care for all our needs.

Ephesians 3:18= And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep His love is.

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